API Calls to Open Weather Using Python

Posted on Tue 08 December 2015 in Python Projects

This project can be found at the GitHub repository, including the IPython notebook.


This is a Python program which uses OpenWeather API to access weather information and subsequently parse the JSON data. Note that to access the API in this exercise, you need to have a valid API key, which can be obtained from creating an account at OpenWeather. With the free account, the OpenWeather allows you to have 600 API calls/10 minutes. Also note that a list of city IDs in JSON format is needed for this to work. This file is included in the github repository, otherwise it can be found at this link.

Usage: Python-OpenWeather.py

Makes API calls to OpenWeather and retrievs JSON data
Parses JSON data using JSON library

List of city ID in JSON format can be obtained from


-h or help  Displays this message
import urllib
import json
import codecs
if len(argv) > 1:
def city():
    city = raw_input('Enter city name: ')
    city = city.lower()
    print "Retrieving weather information for %s ....." % city

return city
def citysearch(city):
    listCities = []
    with codecs.open('city.list.json', 'r', encoding='utf8') as cityList:
        for cl in cityList:
            cityJSON = json.loads(cl)
            cityName = cityJSON['name']
            cityName = cityName.lower()
            if cityName == city:
                searchCity = cityJSON


 print "Your search resulted in", len(listCities), "cities with the name %s" % city

 if len(listCities) > 1:
         print "Please refine your search and choose the ID relevant to the country"
     for listCity in listCities:
             print "Country: %s, " % listCity['country'], "ID: %s" % listCity['_id']
     cityID = raw_input("Enter the relevant ID: ")
     print "You have entered %s" % cityID

 elif len(listCities) == 1:
     cityID = listCities[0]['_id']
     print "Country:", listCities[0]['country']

 elif len(listCities) == 0:
     print "Your city does not exist"

 return cityID
city = city()
locationID = citysearch(city)
Enter city name: London
Retrieving weather information for london .....
Your search resulted in 7 cities with the name london
Please refine your search and choose the ID relevant to the country
Country: GB,  ID: 2643743
Country: US,  ID: 5056033
Country: CA,  ID: 6058560
Country: US,  ID: 4119617
Country: US,  ID: 4298960
Country: US,  ID: 4517009
Country: US,  ID: 5367815
Enter the relevant ID: 2643743
You have entered 2643743
apikey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
serviceUrl = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?"
url = serviceUrl + urllib.urlencode({'id': locationID, 'APPID': apikey})
urlRead = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
dataJSON = json.loads(urlRead)

After obtaining a valid API key, please replace xxx... with the valid one for apikey variable

temp = float(dataJSON['main']['temp']) - 273.0
tempMax = float(dataJSON['main']['temp_max']) - 273.0
tempMin = float(dataJSON['main']['temp_min']) - 273.0
humidity = int(dataJSON['main']['humidity'])
wind = dataJSON['wind']
windSpeed = float(dataJSON['wind']['speed'])
condition = dataJSON['weather'][0]['description']
print ""
print "*******************"
print "--Weather Summary--"
print "*******************"
print "Current Temperature: %.2f C" % temp
print "Maximum Temperature: %.2f C" % tempMax
print "Minimum Temperature: %.2f C" % tempMin
print "Humidity: %d %%" % humidity

if 'gust' in wind:
    windGust = float(dataJSON['wind']['gust'])
    print "Wind Gust:%s km/hr" % windGust
    print "Wind Gust: Data not available"

print "Wind Speed: %.2f km/hr" % windSpeed
print "Condition: %s" % condition
--Weather Summary--
Current Temperature: 5.53 C
Maximum Temperature: 7.15 C
Minimum Temperature: 4.15 C
Humidity: 81 %
Wind Gust: Data not available
Wind Speed: 5.10 km/hr
Condition: Sky is Clear